D50 Announces Bonus Check for Full-Time & Part-Time Employees

At the August Board meeting, Greenwood School District 50 announced a $325 bonus check for all full-time employees in the district and a $175 check for all part-time employees. The check will be for full-time and part-time employees currently employed and working as of August 15, 2024. Employees will be paid out on August 30, 2024 with a separate check and taxes will be deducted.


Superintendent Dr. Steve Glenn said, “We had a little bit of ESSER monies left and we want to make sure it goes to our employees. We would like to thank all of our employees for all of their hard work this school year and throughout the challenges of the pandemic. We are very appreciative of their tremendous efforts in making a difference in the lives of our children on a daily basis.”  


To view the August Board meeting, visit www.gwd50.org/stream/.