Mays Elementary School Deploying Smart Technology to Help Curb Spread of COVID-19, Flu & Other Illness

Amidst an unprecedented school year, Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Elementary School  in Greenwood School District 50 hopes to stay one step ahead of illness, helping to stop the spread and keeping more kids healthy with the help of Kinsa smart thermometers. As one of the schools accepted into the Lysol + Kinsa FLUency health program, all Mays Elementary families will receive free Kinsa smart thermometers, which retail for $24.99, and will be able to see aggregate, anonymous information on any symptoms and illnesses going around the school.


“This school year is unlike any other, as our nation continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic and its widespread impact,” said Inder Singh, Kinsa founder and CEO. “Never has the need for real-time insights been greater, empowering schools to make data-driven decisions to keep their students healthy and learning. We’re excited to work with Lysol again to bring the free FLUency program to thousands of schools to help provide these insights.” 


“We’ve long been committed to the wellbeing of children and keeping schools healthy, which is why we’re thrilled to once again support Kinsa’s FLUency program under the Lysol HERE for Healthy Schools campaign -- especially as it’s needed now more than ever,” said Chris Tedesco, GM US Marketing, Hygiene, RB. “Participating families will receive the Kinsa smart thermometer and Lysol Disinfecting Wipes to help them track illness, get better faster, and help stop the spread.” 

“The health and wellbeing of our students and teachers is our top priority, while continuing to support learning and education,” explained Mays Elementary School Nurse Denise Brown.“We are grateful to be part of this innovative program, giving us a look at the trends affecting our classrooms.”


The FLUency program, now in its sixth year, will help nearly 350,000 families this year across almost 4,000 schools in the U.S. and Canada. Click here to watch a video of FLUency in action.