Our district has had a great opening to the school year thanks to the hard work and support of our students, teachers, staff, and parents. In spite of the challenges presented by Covid-19, we are continuing to provide all of our children with the high quality educational services they will need in order to be successful in the future. During the summer, we provided parents with three back to school instructional options for their children to assist with our reopening plans. We have continually reviewed and evaluated these instructional models during the first semester to make sure they are in the best interest for all of our students.
In an effort to maximize the learning at all of our schools, our plan for the second semester will be to eliminate the A/B schedule as one of our instructional models. The face to face and virtual options will still be available for parents to choose as their child's instructional model for the second semester.
The number of A/B classes at many of our schools has reduced due to the demand of our face to face instructional model. Availability and space has allowed us to transition many of our students back into our schools five days a week in a way that is safe and responsible.
Parents will be asked to complete a Spring Instructional Model Survey during parent/teacher conferences later this month. Thank you again for your patience and cooperation during these uncertain times. We truly believe these times are making us better and stronger as a school district and community!