Moseley Named District 50 Teacher of the Year

On June 1st, Greenwood School District 50’s Teachers of the Year were honored at a virtual recognition ceremony. The event served as a time for teachers to be recognized by Superintendent Steve Glenn and their school principals. 2019-2020 District Teacher of the Year Meredith Schwendemann also spoke at during the virtual ceremony and thanked teachers for being leaders at their school even during the pandemic crisis.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Merrywood Elementary 3rd grade teacher Christopher Moseley was named as the 2020-2021 District Teacher of the Year. In May, each school Teacher of the Year participated in interviews to determine the 2020-2021 District Teacher of the Year.

Please view the video above to see the entire virtual ceremony.

Thanks to these wonderful teachers for all they do for the children in our community!
